Variation #95
Front Cover
Surely this is another sun-like masterpiece? What is it about the mid-90’s hardcore aesthetic that was so fascinated with the sun? So many ads for so many labels that featured the sun in various tribal configurations. Never mind the fact I have a very small tattoo of a sun on my back that was put there in the mid-90’s? Either way, got this in the e-mail the other day, from Michael:
Here’s my copy of Fear of Smell, which I recently acquired. My local record dealer, Phil Spectacle, who used to who have shop here in Vancouver and also used to promote gigs, found this at a yard sale between some really badly warped records. Luckily this one and the few around it were in good condition. It looks like it was painted by the same Dave guy who did the volcano one that’s on ebay right now.
Also popped up again.
Comment by admin — March 14, 2015 @ 3:18 pm