Fear Of Smell

February 26, 2010

Variation #67

Front Cover

Back Cover

This copy comes courtesy of Nick Pimentel. Here’s what Nick had to say about it:

Here is my copy of Fear of Smell.

I got my copy when it first came out at a show my band (Anasarca) was playing in Baltimore or Washington DC.  Some distro had a few copies and I was instantly drawn to this particular one with the inverted crosses, pentagram, and the “Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certification” because I was a secret headbanger.

The photos are not that great, but the back has “Only 5 made!!” and “featuring John Woods”

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February 20, 2010

Variation #66

Filed under: cut and paste,Fear Of Smell — Jon K. @ 5:21 pm

Front Cover

Back Cover

Here’s another early batch one in really clean condition – here’s what Landon Yerby had to say about his copy:

I was going through my old records today, got to this LP.  Was curious about the actual pressings, came across your site.  Lot of fun browsing the other versions out of there.  This LP, not the best tracks from these bands at all.  But it holds the DIY concept of the scene down to the fullest.  Anyway, I was lucky enough to get my copy of Fear of Smell for $4.99 in the used bin.  Record shop called Plan 9, in Richmond VA.  And crazy to read on your page, that there were 30 to 40 of the tinseled borders.

Crazy how many of these sold for around $5, worldwide.

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February 12, 2010

Variation #65

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,hand drawn — Jon K. @ 12:58 pm

Front Cover

Quite possibly my new favourite. Herve Villachez. What can be said about this? Masterpiece.

EDIT: Immortalized here on CollectorsFrenzy. For your information, it sold for $20.55 on August 31st, 2011.

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February 9, 2010

Variation #64

Filed under: Featuring John Woods,File Under Fuck,hand drawn,Only 5 Made — Jon K. @ 5:43 pm

Front Cover

Back Cover

Heh, this one is currently at Double Decker Records in Allentown, PA – probably for a decent price. Last time I was there was in 2005 when we went to Philly, and I was really impressed. Certainly the sort of store that would drive me into the poorhouse if it were near me.

Funny thing about this copy is that it bears a strong resemblance to Variation #63. Also this is the second copy with “File Under Fuck” stickers, that I’ve seen on some Gloom Records (off the top of my head, the US tour pressing of  Total Fury-13 Songs, which I picked up at Thrashfest 2003). Gratuitous use of the word “fuck” as well. Fuck.

New Photos!

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February 6, 2010

Variation #63

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,Featuring Rich Oliver,Only 5 Made — Jon K. @ 12:42 pm

Front Cover

Eric Hallstrom who posted over on the info page wanting to know where he can get this fine comp – well it’s still available over at http://www.buyolympia.com/sammcpheeters/Browse in both CD and vinyl format. Well, brought to you by “Bluff Old Codgers” could be my tagline. Codger indeed good boy.

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Photohosting Is Moving

Filed under: Service Notice — Jon K. @ 10:57 am

Found out today that Photobucket deleted one of my photos, without really any reason. Sure, it said “Fuck” on it, but that isn’t against their terms of service. So basically, Photobucket sucks. What also sucks is that I had to resort to a couple hacked ways to get my photos off their service. Fuck that too. So I encourage all of you who are using Photobucket, if you value freedom of expression, host it yourself, or use another service.

So if you notice that a photo is missing or has a terms of service violation, let me know and I’ll fix the links as quick as possible. There might be some interruptions in service, and well, that’s a bad.

EDIT: OK, two hours, a bunch of bullshit, a playlist including the new stellar Low Threat Profile 7″ EP, N/N Policia song, Kikeiji and Killing Joke – Eighties later you should see all the correct photos, now hosted locally. We’ll see if this really bungs up the server.

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