Variation #182
This one submitted on Facebook to a music related group by Kevin Lee – “Featuring Your Fucking Mother”. Well what else could I post near to Mother’s Day?
This one submitted on Facebook to a music related group by Kevin Lee – “Featuring Your Fucking Mother”. Well what else could I post near to Mother’s Day?
This one also copped from the 90’s Facebook Group – this one posted by David Louie – a most excellent version with upside down cross. The near ubiquitous “Fuck Off” making an appearance in the top right hand corner.
Ahhh shit flies, don’t bother me. Especially when they’re blue? Copped this image from Cameron Metz on Facebook – probably in a post in the 90’s emo group or something.
This one came in from Keith – I’ll let him take it away:
I wish the image was better, but my scanner isn’t big enough and I’m stuck inside hiding from pandemic armed with only a shitty camera. I hope this site gets an update; projects like this: now more than ever! Yr probably busy podcasting.
Record collection is the only friend for the next month (or two?) , and have been ‘’ my records when I came across FOS, which reminded me of the FOS website, which I hadn’t visited in years. So here we are!
(I may have submitted this before years ago, but can’t recall right now and haven’t flipped through the entire site yet)
ps. Fear of Smell is probably one of my favorite records of all time, so I commend this work my friend(s). It came out when I was 18, had just found MITB, Tit Wrench, NOA and Born Against, and was in love with this whole record and took over the world.
So there we go, “Mystery Dream Date #5 La Sirenista!”
Another Sash Mori contribution – I dig these oddball simple covers – this one “Fear of Smell – Vermiform compilation Special “Create a Cover” edition. Fuck off”
Ahh, yes the elusive first batch of Fear of Smells. Bask in it’s glory. Feel the glow off the golden tinsel. Enjoy the rarity. Wait a goddamn minute… $10.88? Are you fucking kidding me? Goddamn fucking fuck, whyyyyyyyyyy
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This one was posted on Instagram by Matt Needles, who’s contributed before, if I remember correctly! A plain one, but with joined “L”s, which is quirky. Love the autumn palette of colors.
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From Land and Sea Oakland’s Instagram page. Clearly a riff on, uhhh, the name’s escaping me now, Killing Time? Oh yeah, Rest In Pieces. Will post better pictures if they ever come a knockin’. Interesting that someone in the Vermiform circle chose to do a cover based on Rest In Pieces who were associated with Sick Of It All, who at the time were at odds, particularly with Sam McPheeters over some criticism he levied at them for being on a “major” label. In hindsight I’m sure that both sides would agree it was ridiculous, but hey, that was the puritanical 90’s (some of which was good).
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Additional Ebay Shots of Note
So this was from this ebay auction which ended up selling for $11.99
This was the quote from the auction:
Various ” FEAR OF SMELL ” comp LP. All killer no filler. Original first press with hand drawn cover. Inner sleeve. In excellent condition, I am the original owner.
Not the most informative, but hey, it’s not incorrect. I’m also in the process of adding more categories, so that similar ones can be grouped together, so I’m stopping linking to the back catalog so to speak. Look for that popping up as time permits!
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Pretty sure this was from ebay sometime earlier this year. Sorry kids, I’ve been slipping!