Fear Of Smell

May 21, 2014

Variation #134

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,Featuring John Woods,hand drawn — Jon K. @ 2:28 pm

Front Cover

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Back Cover

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Pseudo Star Wars strikes again (considering the previous R2-D2 cover)… anyways this was sent in back in July 2013, but in the abyss that is my e-mail, I missed it entirely. Here’s the belated story from Tim Leanse (with my profuse apologies):

just packing my LPs up for a bit, and suddenly remembered to submit! forget where the exact purchase happened, but i’m guessing a Boston or Cambridge, Mass. record store (Pipeline?) in the late 90s.

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May 14, 2014

Variation #133

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,Featuring John Woods,test pressing — Jon K. @ 7:01 pm

Front Cover


This comes courtesy of Dave Stephenson – and Double Decker Records. I’m 99% sure that this is spoken for. An interesting mashup of Moss Icon and Fear of Smell. The hashtag would indicate this is a test press, the christmasy theme of the tinsel/garland wrapped ones is in line with this one. I’d be happy to hear theories if you have ’em.


Front Cover


Back Cover


Other Inserts

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Our man in the streets (don’t forget them), Alex nabbed this test pressing with very, um, unique letters that I’m sure Sam McPheeters would rather forget. Looks like a photo from one of those Japanese photo-sticker booths near the spine of the front cover.

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