Variation #119
Front Cover
Here’s another ebay one, caught by me (yeah, I know I’m not just relying on submissions!).
I’ve gotta say, this is one of the weirdest covers I’ve seen, the text seems like some avant-garde lyrics to some whacked out 70’s prog rock bullshit and the taped on high school artwork just makes me think that this might, in fact, be the work of some schoolkid bored out of their mind in class, then disposed of into the field as they ran from a pack of bullies. Later picked up by some late teen early twenties punks and pasted to a compilation to cover up the fact that they tried to use markers on a glossy cover but ended up with a smear of ink.
This is currently available (for the next 10 hours) on ebay here: at the low low cost of $25 opening bid, or $100 buy it now.