Fear Of Smell

February 28, 2015

Variation #141

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,Featuring John Woods,hand drawn,Only 5 Made — Jon K. @ 10:34 am

Front Cover



Close Up

$_57 (2)

Back Cover

$_57 (1)


Copped from ebay, no real purchase information other than the usual ebay legal disclaimers.

But don’t shit on the little guy cuz that’d be way ageist, y’know

Seems like a statement that only the 90’s could’ve put on a record cover. The black electrical tape is reminiscent of my cover, which had tape around the edges ala MRR’s catalog.


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February 4, 2015

Variation #140

Front Cover


Back Cover



Alex found this one at End of an Ear, the finest record store in Austin, TX currently (way better than Waterloo which has perpetually been overrated). I don’t know why MITB’s “Combat Weed” song gets the bonus plug, but it does. I mean, it’s an awesome song and all, but kind of a dis to others on the compilation.

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