Fear Of Smell

December 17, 2012

Variation #109

Filed under: Fear Of Smell,Featuring John Woods,hand drawn,Only 5 Made — Jon K. @ 8:52 pm

Front Cover

Back Cover


I found your site via late night nostalgic half-drunk internet
searching. Amazing. This record both inspired and frightened me as a
teen, and perhaps still as an adult. Most importantly, it gave me the
1.6 band. Here is my copy. Probably mail ordered from Blacklist.

Regards, Jeff

Man, Blacklist Distro has come up a ton the last little bit. Reading that small print, listing of odd and wonderful records sold for cheap… anyways, this is a bit of a weird one – never seen anything like this. Looks like a pre-teen got a hold of a cover and doodled some fancy spaceships, in fact a complete line of spaceship/starfighter type things. Cool stencil work.

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