Variation #19
Front Cover
I believe this is the last of Leo’s submissions, with an infrequent Rich Oliver sticker on the front. The doodle at the bottom looks like a dog’s head looking to the right. Wonder if that’s some sort of Rorschach test?
Front Cover
I believe this is the last of Leo’s submissions, with an infrequent Rich Oliver sticker on the front. The doodle at the bottom looks like a dog’s head looking to the right. Wonder if that’s some sort of Rorschach test?
Front Cover
Ah yes, the first batch of Fear of Smells, or perhaps a bit of a knock off? Stencil of the text is pretty clogged up. Anyways, another fine submission from Leo Ferrandino.
Front Cover
Well, uh what to say about this one. You can barely see the smell? (Let alone fear it…). The cursive “of” (underneath the neon sticker) looks a whole hell of a lot lie the one in Variation #6. Same creative author? Perhaps.
Front Cover
Another ebay rescue job from Leo Ferrandino who I thought contributed three, but apparently my notes were wrong, so Leo week continues. This one resembles the other paint jobs we’ve seen (complete with a bit of finger painting it looks like in the brown… stuff? at the bottom of the cover). Also the writing is the same psuedo-crusty pointy font that metal bands later used then was co-opted by black metal bands. Of course, an upside down cross seems very apropos.
Front Cover:
OK, this is the last of the quartet of submissions from Leo Ferrandino, sorry about that last post and thanks again (again!).
Guess the guys and gals got tired of magic markers, and moved on to finger paints. Only a partial cover from an ebay auction (probably pre-dating the common ownership of digital cameras, as this looks like it was done on a scanner – hence the partial cover). The brown splatter on the right hand side of the picture looks a little like it might be related to Variation #10. Maybe not, but that’s the purpose of this blog, rank speculation.
Front Cover
The last of three from Leo Ferrandino, thanks Leo! In perhaps the most terrifying tribute to the 90’s, we have The Fear Of Smell represented by a fermenting pot of vegan straight edge beans. Terrifying indeed, some of my worst nightmares are made of the smell of vegan ass farting beans.
Front Cover
Another ebay auction courtesy of Leo Ferrandino. An interesting mishmash – stars on either side of the name is a lot like Variation #4, a triangle in the top corner like Variation #9, a naked butt (which we’ll see in upcoming covers), a pile of shit, a proctologist giving a pig an exam and a text that looks like it’s partially in German. I guess that’s par for the course…
Doctor: Is that a kneusen?
Pig: I’m afraid it is…
Front Cover
This one came from Leo Ferrandino via e-mail. Looks like it was copped from ebay auctions a million years ago, before there was only one place to store your ebay photos. Anyways, this ones a bit unlike any other one I’ve seen. Cut and paste and handiwork, and just not like anything else.
Front Cover
Back Cover
Seems like whenever the back cover is defaced, it’s with spray paint. Also this is one of the few copies without the “Only 5 Made” sticker, and the back cover isn’t layed out like the other ones. Sloppiness? Here we have a pretty skillful rendition of R2-D2 in space on the front cover with the “Featuring John Woods” sticker on the front, rather than on the usual back side. This one comes courtesy of Chris Grady, in Maryland. Here’s what he had to say for it:
I had been looking for one of the handmade versions for way too long and this one was smiling at me from the stacks just a few months ago (e-mail from February 2007). The front has been done with magic marker. Attached is also the “featuring John Woods!”sticker. The back cover includes the 2 ‘side’ stickers as well as the Vermiform sticker. These of course are stuck on a background of gold metallic spray paint. Also see metallic gold fingerprint smudges on lower left of the front cover.
Front and Back Cover
This cover comes courtesy of Zeno Marx – posted over on the WITBAWDTSL board. Is it an hair extension factory gone wrong? Is it a volcano exploding? Is it Sideshow Bob hiding behind a tree stump? I guess we’ll have to live with these questions being unanswered in our lives. Nice pentagram at the bottom though.