Variation #71
Front Cover
Back Cover
Richmond Address Sticker
Got this submission about a month ago from Matt Anderson, to which I thought I put it up. But I didn’t… so here it is now. A really curious case, this one has a weirdo Richmond address. I was under the impression the first press was long gone before Vermiform moved to Richmond, but I guess not. I mean, lets face it, this is the early run type of cover of the comp, so maybe it was the last to exit the compound?
Here’s Matt’s take on it:
The cover of my copy has tinsel & a stenciled title on the front (+ a “Featuring Rich Oliver” sticker, though you can’t really see it through the tinsel). I bought it in Raleigh, NC in, oh, probably 1994 or so, I think from some other kid who was “distributing” records. I don’t think I would’ve paid more than six dollars. The back, though, has a crappy neon orange “Vermiform Records Richmond Branch” sticker on it, unlike all the ones I’ve seen on your blog, which have the Vermiform logo & the NY address. So I don’t even know if it’s the 1st pressing, tho I’d guess it is.