Variation #93
Front Cover
Back Cover
I haven’t been keeping up with ebay at all, which is totally due to the fact I have zero cash. Anyways, a dim rememberence that I should check it out once in a while, has yielded this gem. It could be a yeti eating a hot dog dropped from the sky, or perhaps a volcano exploding. It’s currently on ebay here if you have a hole burning in your pocket with the $350 buy it now offer on the table. I would be an asshole and offer 1/10th of the price, but well I guess I’m not that much of an ass. Either way, great cover, good restart to the blog. This cover has similarities between it and #24, #16 and #10.
Quick follow up note:
Hey there!
I was going on about how much I wanted a FOS to my girlfriend a while ago and she went and bought me version 93 on ebay!You gotta love rich benefactresses!
I think she got it for about 70 dollars, thats only about 30 in pounds.
This one has a secret message scratched around the sticker on the vinyl with a pin or something.
It reads:
CELTLOC. SNEDHIDRUX STYXIXIS LORDLAS ZIRPEAt first I thought this was crusty latin but an internet anagram thing helped me translate it to:
phone secret fos number midnights fullmoon
Collect. sixhundred sixtysix dollars prizeI guess there isn’t really a prize but the message is cool enough, I used to hide secret messages in the back of all the cds I borrowed so this is super cool to me.,
Once I get another camera (broken) I’ll comment on the blog with pictures of the message.
So yeah #93 lives in Scotland now though It’ll move back to Ireland with me eventually, all animals go home to die 😀Thanks for the FOS documentation you rule!!!