Variation #127
Front Cover
OK we’ve been scanning and snooping in peoples flickrs and photobuckets and coming up dry (although we did see what you did on the weekend and we have to report that it wasn’t that interesting). Coming up dry on Fear of Smell covers, then the second in command Alex found these. I hate to get all name-droppy, but they belong to Matt, who plays in a fairly important band on this comp. So these will probably never come out of the storage they’re in, and if they do, well, bid hard. So thanks to Alex and Matt for unearthing these, and helping out the cause. In fact the next five copies will all be from the same spot, and they all have a blank back with the standard two sticker sets.
Onto the cover, well this one has handwriting like the scribbles on Variation #59 and Variation #107 – I would’ve included links to a couple other scribble type covers, but they were done in green marker, which makes me honestly think they could’ve been someone else – unless someone fills in the story, no one will really know.